About Majer Chiropractic Wellness Center
Dr. Gerald Majer began practicing in 1977. His father had opened the location years before, and Dr. Majer joined him there upon graduation from Chiropractic College. Dr. Majer became the sole practitioner at Majer Chiropractic Wellness Center after his father passed away in 1986.
“We’ve been at the same location all this time, just three blocks east of Disneyland.”
- Dr. Gerald Majer

Offering Wellness to Families
We’re seeing fantastic results for patients of all ages. Chiropractors are known to help with pain, but we often help patients with conditions you may not usually associate with chiropractic care, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or ulcerative colitis.
We find it gratifying to see the impact we can make in our community, especially with our youngest patients.
We love seeing children get better from problems like earaches without the use of drugs and surgery. It makes sense to prevent future problems from happening with regular checks, and we encourage our patients to cut down on the cost of disease treatment by being on a wellness care schedule.
Our hope is that our patients experience their full potential in life!